This new spawn command is ace, Hazard.
One thing that would really make things more fun is the option to select which team each spawned creature is on. For example, Skulls/Wolfpack, or someway to spawn creatures to fight alongside Enric in the main quest.
This is actually possible.
I used it to test some things but didn't document it because it's a bit awkward to use. First spawn the new actor, then type in "show actors" to see the actor ID of the new actor. You now have to select the actor in the console by typing in select followed by the actor ID. "select actor5" for example. Afterwards, type in "set team 0" to assign the actor to your team. the number in the end is the team ID. 0 to 7 are the normal teams, -1 is the default team and is usually used for monsters and other enemies in the world.