I have 2 questions on how to use the editor.
1. How can I set a lighting to an OFF file?
I could make a hill in flat.OFF that is used for arena6(Pit of Death) and think I could set a surface on it because there is slightly a figure of the texture. The problem is the hill looks black and seems not to be lighted. And Enric gets dark while being on the hill.
2. How can I make a texture that is available as a surface?
A surface texture of default maps is 8bit, BMP and usually 256*256 pixel, I think. But the bmp I made with MSPaint like that will be black(or it is just not be lighted) in game. I've made a 24bit BMP with Gimp and PhotoshopElements and converted them to 8bit BMPs, but they are black in game, too.
Btw I tried to save a default surface(chgfloor.bmp) as BMP then RLE compression option appeared. Sometimes BMP seems to have RLE compression, but I don't know if it's needed or not and I haven't seen an editor that have the option of it with 8bit BMP.
If I can get some simple tutorial to make a map too, I really appreciate it.