First, congratulation on the new Extended patch! Awesome stuff.
Can you elaborate a bit on the FPS lock bypass? Like, what are the practical consequence of it in the way you have bypass it. Because you say to 'some extend'.
I just tried it, of course, and I do think it was smoother. However, the animations still seems a bit slow. But that might just be the game? Not the FPS? My FPS was at approximately 450 FPS, so above the 120 FPS 'perfect zone'.
The FPS lock is still in place, that's why i was a bit careful with the wording. Usually, to get rid of the FPS lock entirely, a render call should happen after every game tick (where the game logic happens). I tried that at first, but it was horribly slow and choppy and lead to severe gliches like collision detection not working correctly.
By default the game limits the FPS and processes as many game ticks as the CPU can handle between the render calls. On my machine the game processed more than 30000 game ticks per second, which seemed very unnecessary and inefficient, espiecially with a FPS cap below 20.
Yet, for some reason the game seems to need a good amount of game ticks between render calls to run correctly. My understanding of the game tick and render loop is still very lacking. Figuering it all out from the disassembly is quite laborious. That's why i went with a comprimise for now.
Xtended keeps track of how many game ticks have passed since the last render call and enforces rendering once more than 100 unrendered ticks have passed. That's not yet ideal, still wasting some performance and weaker PCs may not get a huge FPS increase from it. But definitely better than 20 FPS.
The animations still twitch a little at times, that's the game's animation system, though, and isn't related to the FPS. At high FPS the game may feel slightly slower because the at 20 FPS every frame brings a considerably large change, making it feel more "sudden". I guess it's a subjective thing, but you can never be entirely sure. There could always be a technical reason causing some slowdown.
I noticed that the in-game gamma option, doesn't have an effect besides in the menus, not in-game. The game does seem quite dark with extended shading!
Oh, a new entry for things i need to fix.
Never noticed it. I'll try to fix it with the next release.