I'd like to start a project of my own on DBTS. I have modelling skills with Lightwave, and I can do texturing with Photoshop. I looked through the DBTS files using ATDpacker, but I'm still not quite sure where to begin
Let's say I want to begin by attempting to remake Enric. Some questions:
a) where can I get the Lightwave exporter? I read that it exists somewhere, but I can't find it, probably because the game's modding community isn't really active atm
b) Is there a tutorial that can get me started on doing models for DBTS? What I mean is, I'm not quite sure how the animations work in DBTS. Are the different limbs separate models being linked together in another file?
c) Actually, are there tutorials at all for, you know, any aspect of modding DBTS?
It's all very confusing working with something new like that. I really hope someone can give me a hand to get me started