I managed to get the first level of the campaign to work in arena and also in multiplay, but there are some problems...
But first things first; what I did (assume in order):
(I assume that the format used is self-explanatory)
Copy game_lv1.atd to test.atd
Rename game_lv1.evt to test.evt
Rename game_lv1.ter to test.ter
Append string "test" //Not sure if this makes sense. enc1.ter ends wth "game_lv1" though
Copy enc1.atd:enc1_spec.lst to test_spec.lst
Copy enc1.atd:enc1_thumb.bmp to test_thumb.bmp
Rename traps\game_lv1 to traps\test
Copy game_lv1 to test
Copy game_lv1 to test
Copy game_lv1 to test
Copy level1.evt to test.evt
Add code {
startup {
//Actors as in game_lv1.atd:game_lv1.scn
Replace "game_lv1\" to "test\"
Replace "traps1.evt" to "trapstest.evt"
Copy traps1.evt to trapstest.evt
Replace "game_lv1\" to "test\"
Minor problems:
1) It cannot be played without xtended; it crashes without error.
2) After completing the map, game crashes with error "File read error in none.atd: none.act"
3) The placement of bots are not all correct.
Major problems:
1) There seems to be a problem with actor IDs.
The first actor is actually the bot/player joining the game, so after you enter the cave, you see for example, the bot orc pulling the lever (this is so funny to watch
Also, in multiplay after the player pulls the lever. he becomes AI controlled!
Don't get me wrong, I started looking for how to mod this game yesterday so I don't know much of its inner workings.
Some actors do not have their position set explicitly by actor_set(), so I used the coordinates found along "WAIT_FACING" objectives.
I suspect that the problem with IDs can be fixed if all IDs are increased by 1 (and fixed as appropriate in the script) to "make room" for the coop player.