I just want to keep you up-to-date regarding my newest project without spamming those other threads. This project is a easy to use Level editor directly in 3D that renders the whole level exactly like it'll look like in game. You create the level through drag&drop using predefined parts. You can use every OFF model as part to drop in your level. You can drag&drop all creatures to you level too, to create singleplayer-maps or arenas or battlefields or whatever. I'm planning to include traps the same way, but i haven't tried to include them yet.
Part of the Editor is a new Scripting Language for DbtS that is many times more flexible than the old DbtS Scripting. I've already used it to create the After-Death Camera in my Battlefields. It takes complex scripts in my Dbts High Level Scripting Language (DHLSL) and converts them to normal Dbts Scripts in background. You are able to write those DHLSL scripts for your levels and to write AI Scripts that can be assigned to each character. There is an example script at the end of this posting.
Planned features for the editor:
- Easy Drag&Drop Level Editor with real in-game graphics
- Level objects, creatures and traps can easily be placed with your mouse
- A new scripting language to easily write complex scripts
- Write and assign AI scripts to characters to define complex behaviors
- Create Arenas, Single- or Multiplayer Levels, Battlefields, etc.
- Generates an easy to use mod out of all this
Do you have an idea on what to include in the editor? Don't hesitate to suggest it in this thread.
It'll take some time to finish it, though... Early 2007 is a rough estimate. I can't promise anything since i don't know how much time i'm able to spend on it.
This is a screenshot from an early version, "only" providing the same functionality as the old battlefield creator:
Click HERE to view the DHLSL Camera Script example!
[EDIT] Moved the script example to a new page for readability of this thread.