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How to make mods?

All topics related to the game 'Die by the Sword' and it's add-on 'Limb from Limb' go into this board!

How to make mods?

by darxus » 29 Oct 2010 11:42

Hi there, I am a new member. I was looking for some information in SlimDX, while accidentally found about this amazing mod made by Hazard (dbts extender).

1. Is there any case for contributors to participate in it (Hazard's mod)?
2. Is there any case for someone to create mods (preferably in Hazard's loader to preserve consistency)?
3. Are there any resources avail by Tantrum (the company that created DBTS) for the public?
(File formats, Level Editors, e.t.c.)

In the beginning I would only like to make a few experiments with shader effects, after that try a few other intersting stuff.

Peace! :D
Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Oct 2010 11:25

Re: How to make mods?

by Hazard » 29 Oct 2010 16:55

Hi there, I am a new member. I was looking for some information in SlimDX, while accidentally found about this amazing mod made by Hazard (dbts extender).

1. Is there any case for contributors to participate in it (Hazard's mod)?
2. Is there any case for someone to create mods (preferably in Hazard's loader to preserve consistency)?
3. Are there any resources avail by Tantrum (the company that created DBTS) for the public?
(File formats, Level Editors, e.t.c.)

In the beginning I would only like to make a few experiments with shader effects, after that try a few other intersting stuff.

Peace! :D

Hi darxus!

It is possible to write your own mods for the ModManager included in xLoader. Yet, doing so requires alot of knowedge of the game's file architecture, which is complicated at times and not really documented.

I've got a new version in the works that will heavily revamp many aspects of mod-making. The file structure of levels will become alot more organized, it adds a new .Net based scripting language that is FAR more powerful than the one that ships with the game and it will allow you to add post-process and per object shaders (which is not possible in the current version). The development goes hand-in-hand with a new level editor i'm working on.
The progress on all those things is already far, but still requires alot of work to finish up. I hope to be able to get it all done this year (which has only 2 months left). It all depends on how much time i'm able and willing to spend on it.
Hazardous Code Monkey
Posts: 187
Joined: 05 Jan 2006 19:49

Re: How to make mods?

by darxus » 30 Oct 2010 04:11

Thanks for the info, I am waiting patiently for the next release. Bye :D
Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Oct 2010 11:25

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