The problem is that ATDeditor degrades extracted files on my PC. When I extract all files of an ATD (for example, the_hero.atd) and I don't edit any of them and I make them an ATD again, the new ATD will crashed DbtS. I don't know what it won't run but I have to assume ATDeditor has some problem for that. The pictures below are corrupt the_hero extracted, some are okay and some are bad.
Also, extracted WAVs are damaged and are noise itself. It doesn't matter that I change the compatibility of ATDeditor, the result is the same.
The strange thing is that TGAs of Hazard's Knight is comparatively less damaged to extract and few TGAs look bad. WAVs of them have also less noise, though it can't be heard as normal sound.
Is there anyone who has the same trouble or knows the solution?
My PC:
WindowsXP Home SP1
Athlon64 3000+ 1.8GHz
Mem 1G
About DbtS:
DbtS and LFL are installed
zeckensack's Glide wrapper are installed
The below text is Youtube log about this between DarkFox and me
* read down to up
Hmmmm... I don't have this problem while modding my own version of the Mantis, the only problem was custom textures. But trying to solve the problem here will flood the comments box too much. Should try a different area for this so I can find out exactly what is going on with yours.
GIMP can save TGAs without RLE compression as you say. But ATDEditor still has trouble when unpack and repack. If I extract an ATD, for instance orc.atd, and re-ATD the files without any of editing, the new orc.atd crashes DBTS. :<
GIMP you have to uncheck RLE or something like that to make it work. RLE is a common compression as I recall.
I've tried some free image editors(Photoshop Element, GIMP, PC Image Editor, PictBearSE) but all of them seems to compress TGAs from the looking. Also it looks the same with WinXP's image viewer. Do you know any freeware that can handle TGAs as raw?
TGA files should extract correctly but when editing these TGAs some image editors will compress it which crashes DBtS, it shouldn't crash if you haven't edited the TGAs or have found a way not to compress them.
As you say, ATDEditor seems to have some problem. At least it makes tga files be damaged when extracting. Some of images look streched and are dislocated. If it makes the files as atd again and put the atd in data folder(in this case, the_hero is used), DbtS crashes. Is there any way to do it accurately? um.
One thing to keep in mind is that some programs like to compress TGA images. Beware of this as it'll crash DBtS.
Thanks alot! It works and I can see the raw files now. There's many files with unknown extensions after unpacking. I read the documents on "Kobolds are Cute" on Webarchive and will try to change Enric's skin first because other modding is hard without needful text. "Hacked to Bits" seems to have infomation about editing characters but Webarchive haven't got the site.
I'll send you a link to download it, what it does is that it can open ATD files which contains all character data, extract all data from there for easy viewing. From there you learn by looking at how things are set up. You can also make a new ATD archive with ATD Editor. Making a character is not as hard as it may seem.