The Hazardous Realm
The Hazardous Realm

The forum is now in read-only mode! It's only kept around for informative purposes and to prevent deadlinks!
Use e-mail to contact me instead. Any announcements would be made on my twitter account and any discussions would use some public platform instead.

Hamachi Hosting problems

All topics related to the game 'Die by the Sword' and it's add-on 'Limb from Limb' go into this board!

Hamachi Hosting problems

by tons0phun » 20 Jan 2009 22:07

Okay, so I have gotten a lot of people interested in DBtS, and onto the Hamachi server you all created. However, we've run into a big recurring issue:
We can see the game a person is hosting,
but every time we try to join, it times-out with the "Host Quit" message.

Does anybody have any ideas as to what could be attributing to this? We want to get our carnage on. :evil:
Posts: 12
Joined: 28 Sep 2006 19:27

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