The Hazardous Realm
The Hazardous Realm

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Wow, just wow... (umm not in the wow sense, but BDTS)

All topics related to the game 'Die by the Sword' and it's add-on 'Limb from Limb' go into this board!

Wow, just wow... (umm not in the wow sense, but BDTS)

by Raven » 29 Jun 2006 16:02

So there are still people around that care as much about dbts as to create new forums to host the community... so there is still a community? wow!

Okay have people started playing this game online yet, with the joy of high speed internet? if so please sign me up for a game (if I can find my damn dbts cds that is) If no one has been playing the arena or the multiplayer LfL quest online yet then SHAME ON YOU!!!

It should be possible to play it direct connect knowing each others ips yes? Man I have got to give this a try, think of the bloody mayhem!!! it would be brilliant! -- oh wow and if you used team speak... you could hurrle insults as well as might blows!

I reckon it is definately one of the main sins of the gaming community that dbts was never taken completely seriously, surely with broadband speeds it should be possible to at least begin to get people playing online... and after that, leagues and leader boards, famous warriors name enshrined in lights. Think of the stats that could be recorded with a little clever programming - recording things like class, most powerfull blow, life span... I think I have just found myself a project (now if I could only convince the rest of teh stupid internet to support me!)
Posts: 2
Joined: 29 Jun 2006 15:44

by Knight_of_Ni » 03 Jul 2006 15:49

Yeah, that would be great. But most recruitment speeches end with an "ok, ok, but i can't find it anywhere" and "eek! It's old, creepy and not free." Who pwns the rights? what about :idea: a remake with a newer (free) engine? That would attract those thick headed ignorant online powergamers.
by the way, are there any duelants around anywhere? annnnd does it actually work well? last time i was trying with a direct LPT2LPT connection... t'wasn't that fast :) So ... now that you've tried - how well does dsl-mp work with DBTS?
Posts: 5
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 14:26

by Hazard » 07 Jul 2006 23:14

Yes, i still love this game. :) And i'd still work on new tools to improve the game like my Battlefield creator, but my new AMD PC doesn't like the game. *sigh* I haven't played it for over a year now... but at least the withdrawals are starting to wear off now. ;)

I like the idea of creating a remake with a new engine, but i don't know of any engine with a compareable animation system. I still hope for the sourcecode to be released someday. At least the not-VSIM-related parts, so we'd be able to improve graphics and to fix those crashing bugs.
Hazardous Code Monkey
Posts: 187
Joined: 05 Jan 2006 19:49

by tons0phun » 29 Sep 2006 16:24

Uhh, I'm not entirely sure what kind of efforts go into modding...

But would it be hard to make something that improves the network capabilities of DBTS?

I also tried playing a Battlefield game online with my friend (same battlefield and mod files exchanged), but it didn't work.

I just think it would be insane if you could have a battlefield where everybody is a player!

And while I don't know much of how to mod right now I am always open to learning.

I at least would like to learn how to use the editor as a start. Any suggestions or easy-to-take steps to create a character?

I want to make a ninja with a chain weapon. :mrgreen: [/i]
Posts: 12
Joined: 28 Sep 2006 19:27

by Hazard » 08 Oct 2006 15:16

Improving everything program-code related like the graphics or netcode or physics is nearly impossible to mod. If they'd release the sourcecode of the game, we'd be able to improve those things.

Creating a new character for DbtS is very difficult. I may work on new editing tools when i'm switching to Vista. I'm currently testing the Vista RC2 (the last beta version before release) and DbtS runs great on it.
Hazardous Code Monkey
Posts: 187
Joined: 05 Jan 2006 19:49

by tons0phun » 10 Oct 2006 00:44

Is there any way we could get them to release the source? I mean, obviously the game isn't particularly of any real monetary value, so what would they have to lose?

And not that it could force them to do anything, but it may make them more willing, but maybe we could petition them? I've got plenty of friends who've tried the game that'd be willing to give a shout out. :D
Posts: 12
Joined: 28 Sep 2006 19:27

by Sabzevarian » 10 Oct 2006 01:29

I'm willing to play multiplayer online if others are interested
Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Oct 2006 01:27

by Sabzevarian » 23 May 2007 08:00

I played tonight with my friend over the internet and we had some lag issues. The game would run fine but about every 30 seconds it would lag horribly for a few seconds. I don't remember having that trouble playing over a network, dammit :evil:
Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Oct 2006 01:27

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