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DBTS LFL: P5 Glove version

All topics related to the game 'Die by the Sword' and it's add-on 'Limb from Limb' go into this board!

DBTS LFL: P5 Glove version

by roid » 08 May 2007 05:29

Years back i was (well i suppose i still am) heavily involved in the community of a VR device called the P5 Glove. One of the developers of it named Av was particularly helpful and attentive to the community, and we'd often chat.

It turns out this developer used to work at Interplay, but had since moved on to work more in the VR industry. As we chatted about games that the P5 Glove would be great for i mentioned how it would kickass in DBTS. He said that he actually edited DBTS to use in some VR situations in the past - i think they were mostly just for VR headsets - you could look around.

But after much chatting he figured he'd see what he could do with the P5 Glove in DBTS, and he eventually came up with a DBTS LFL - P5 version.

Now, I have DBTS but i didn't have LFL. It didn't matter as he allowed me to just download the entire DBTS LFL P5 Version game in full.

I was previous covered by NDA, but have been informed by the Av that it wouldn't matter if i shared the stuff around. So i'm offering it to you guys.

Rather than me sending the entire zip, i'd like to just send the relevant files. So can someone please give me a readout of all of the filenames, directorys, dates, sizes etc of all the files in DBTS LFL, i'll compare them with my version and note which are different.

Regretably i have actually done this before with a french fellow with LFL, but before he could send me his files he just disappeared :(, and i have since lost the file list he emailed me.

I'm not sure if anyone else here would even have a P5 Glove, it's pretty cheap thesedays if you wanted to try it out.

Also it'd be nice if after this is all sorted someone could send me the original versions of the changed LFL files. As something is wrong with the multiplayer in my version.
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 May 2007 06:18

by roid » 09 May 2007 13:58

so, if someone with Limb from Limb installed could please do this on their computer:

- on your keyboard press the windows key
- press R
- type this and press enter: CMD
- type this and press enter: dir c:\games\dbts /s
- right click on the window and choose SELECT ALL
- (everything should now be selected) right click on the window again.

Everything i need is now on your clipboard. Please PASTE the info into a reply and hit submit.

note: the DTBS Limb from Limb directory on your computer may be different.
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 May 2007 06:18

by Sabzevarian » 09 May 2007 20:08

I had some errors installing the game but the game does work. I haven't tried it multiplayer though.

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword

08/05/2007 11:55 AM <DIR> .
08/05/2007 11:55 AM <DIR> ..
08/05/2007 11:48 AM <DIR> data
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 408 DBTS.INI
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 127,488 DSETUP.DLL
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 63,056 DSETUP16.DLL
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 41,984 DSETUP32.DLL
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 128 ereg.bin
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 197,120 ereg3201.dll
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 29,005 eregUI.ini
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 270,848 eregui32.dll
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,518 inter.bmp
08/05/2007 12:37 AM <DIR> moves
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 6,145 POWERVR.TXT
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,285 prtbody.txt
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 104,352 PVOVERN.DBS
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 9,922 readme.txt
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 18,432 reg32a.exe
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 183 regfax.txt
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 184 regmail.txt
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 161 regrcrd.txt
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 189 regxmit.txt
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 59,392 rl3dfx.dll
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 44,032 rlapi.dll
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 93,184 rld3d.dll
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 70,656 RLPWRVR.DLL
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 60,416 rlverite.dll
08/05/2007 03:45 PM <DIR> saves
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 161,792 SIMFORCE.dll
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 288 swordhit.frc
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 11,724 uninst.log
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 1,849,344 windie.exe
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 1,776,128 winmedit.exe
28 File(s) 5,000,364 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword\data

08/05/2007 11:48 AM <DIR> .
08/05/2007 11:48 AM <DIR> ..
08/05/2007 11:30 AM 1,471,119 arena1.atd
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 853,935 ARENA2.ATD
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 772,414 arena3.atd
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 1,252,824 ARENA4.ATD
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 1,129,617 arena5.atd
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 483,818 ARENA6.ATD
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 4,664,194 changa.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 105,931,780 cuts.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 648,763 dummy.atd
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 9,028,795 DWarrior.atd
08/05/2007 11:28 AM 8,925,342 DWorker.atd
08/05/2007 11:28 AM 4,036,902 earth.atd
08/05/2007 11:28 AM 1,775,167 ENC1.ATD
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 94 english.atd
08/05/2007 11:30 AM 42,873,166 fem_hero.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 5,202,666 game_lv1.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 2,501,261 game_lv2.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 2,406,010 game_lv3.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 3,804,956 game_lv4.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 5,755,042 game_lv5.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 4,665,248 game_lv7.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 5,701,290 game_lv8.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 3,282,083 game_lv9.atd
08/05/2007 11:27 AM 6,005,666 GREEBLE.ATD
08/05/2007 11:30 AM 1,566,492 HOCKEY.ATD
08/05/2007 11:30 AM 5,551,580 kobold.atd
08/05/2007 11:33 AM 1,921,237 L2_GCAVE.ATD
08/05/2007 11:33 AM 1,718,928 L3_GVM.ATD
08/05/2007 11:34 AM 5,630,369 L4_DWARF.ATD
08/05/2007 11:34 AM 3,271,969 L5_MCITY.ATD
08/05/2007 11:36 AM 3,472,849 lavapit.atd
08/05/2007 11:37 AM 8,648,747 mainmenu.atd
08/05/2007 11:37 AM 2,158,362 mantis.atd
08/05/2007 11:38 AM 7,956,630 MINOTAUR.ATD
08/05/2007 11:38 AM 590,284 misc.atd
08/05/2007 11:39 AM 7,831,329 momtrog.atd
08/05/2007 11:39 AM 1,266,132 moveedit.atd
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 141,933,628 music.atd
08/05/2007 11:44 AM 48,847,376 MUSICX.ATD
08/05/2007 11:44 AM 3,601,365 mutant.atd
08/05/2007 11:44 AM 560,900 NONE.ATD
08/05/2007 11:44 AM 4,591,565 ogre.atd
08/05/2007 11:46 AM 23,195,363 options.atd
08/05/2007 11:47 AM 6,275,538 orc.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 163,483 overlays.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 62,837 ropes.atd
08/05/2007 11:47 AM 722,439 scenes.atd
08/05/2007 11:47 AM 879,040 shards.atd
08/05/2007 11:48 AM 4,374,271 skeleton.atd
08/05/2007 11:48 AM 4,492,231 sorcerer.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 70,972,367 sounds.atd
08/05/2007 11:48 AM 1,608,599 spirtwar.atd
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 172,003 stencils.atd
08/05/2007 11:48 AM 3,220,860 TELEPRT.ATD
08/05/2007 12:36 AM 807,021 tentacle.atd
08/05/2007 11:53 AM 46,331,264 the_hero.atd
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,841,544 trainer.atd
08/05/2007 11:53 AM 7,889,169 trog.atd
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 162,968 watrtent.atd
59 File(s) 647,462,891 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword\moves

08/05/2007 12:37 AM <DIR> .
08/05/2007 12:37 AM <DIR> ..
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 changa_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 changa_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 changa_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:44 AM 6,926 changa_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,787 dwar2_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,808 dwar2_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,285 dwar2_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,602 dwar2_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,366 dwarrior_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,239 dwarrior_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 5,314 dwarrior_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,245 dwarrior_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 dworkerb_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,528 dworkerb_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,367 dworkerb_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,629 dworkerb_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 dworker_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,528 dworker_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,367 dworker_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,629 dworker_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,743 earth_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,985 earth_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,721 earth_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,865 earth_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,140 fem_hero_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,923 fem_hero_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,785 fem_hero_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,789 fem_hero_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,235 kobaxe_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,577 kobaxe_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,182 kobaxe_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,774 kobaxe_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 392 kobold_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 574 kobold_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 496 kobold_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 392 kobold_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 5,062 mantis_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,109 mantis_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,722 mantis_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,875 mantis_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,549 ogre_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,167 ogre_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 6,234 ogre_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,257 ogre_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 5,731 orc_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,071 orc_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,397 orc_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,655 orc_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,248 pitskel_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 5,747 pitskel_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,896 pitskel_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,102 pitskel_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 396 skeleton_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,042 skeleton_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,160 skeleton_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 708 skeleton_default3.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 630 the_hero_default0.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,549 the_hero_default1.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,177 the_hero_default2.dmv
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,410 the_hero_default3.dmv
60 File(s) 167,972 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword\saves

08/05/2007 03:45 PM <DIR> .
08/05/2007 03:45 PM <DIR> ..
08/05/2007 12:47 AM <DIR> Darq Amin
08/05/2007 03:45 PM <DIR> Data
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword\saves\Darq Amin

08/05/2007 12:47 AM <DIR> .
08/05/2007 12:47 AM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword\saves\Data

08/05/2007 03:45 PM <DIR> .
08/05/2007 03:45 PM <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Total Files Listed:
147 File(s) 652,631,227 bytes
17 Dir(s) 54,937,911,296 bytes free

C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword>
Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Oct 2006 01:27

by roid » 11 May 2007 03:53

thx for that. Alright here we go, to keep it small i only uploaded the files that are new or different in the P5 version. So it's effectively like a patch.
You may want to manually backup your DBTS files first, as it replaces some files.
edit 8th July 2009: reuploaded to a new URL.

I'm not entirely sure i got all of the updated files, as the only way i could tell was from filesize. For some reason your dates were all recent (on mine the dates are mostly from 1998), i wasn't expecting that.

Could someone please send me these files?

C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 408 DBTS.INI missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 127,488 DSETUP.DLL missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 63,056 DSETUP16.DLL missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 41,984 DSETUP32.DLL missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 128 ereg.bin missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 197,120 ereg3201.dll missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 29,005 eregUI.ini missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 270,848 eregui32.dll missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,518 inter.bmp missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 6,145 POWERVR.TXT missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,285 prtbody.txt missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 104,352 PVOVERN.DBS missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 9,922 readme.txt missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 18,432 reg32a.exe missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 183 regfax.txt missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 184 regmail.txt missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 161 regrcrd.txt missing
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 189 regxmit.txt missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 59,392 rl3dfx.dll missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 44,032 rlapi.dll DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 60,416 rlverite.dll missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 288 swordhit.frc missing
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 1,849,344 windie.exe TO BE SAFE
08/05/2007 11:55 AM 11,724 uninst.log missing

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword\data
08/05/2007 11:44 AM 3,601,365 mutant.atd DIFF FILESIZE

Directory of C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die by the Sword\moves
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 changa_default0.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 changa_default1.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 changa_default2.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:44 AM 6,926 changa_default3.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 dworkerb_default0.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,528 dworkerb_default1.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,367 dworkerb_default2.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,629 dworkerb_default3.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 777 dworker_default0.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,528 dworker_default1.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,367 dworker_default2.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 1,629 dworker_default3.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,235 kobaxe_default0.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 2,577 kobaxe_default1.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 3,182 kobaxe_default2.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
08/05/2007 12:37 AM 4,774 kobaxe_default3.dmv DIFF FILESIZE
Last edited by roid on 08 Jul 2009 12:00, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 May 2007 06:18

by Sabzevarian » 23 May 2007 07:15


The files are pretty recent because I reinstalled it recently.

If you want those files add me to msn, I can send them sometime.

Do you have the p5 glove? How do you like it with dbts? Does it work with windows programs? (ie can you use it like a mouse to surf the web, etc)?
Posts: 7
Joined: 10 Oct 2006 01:27

by roid » 24 May 2007 08:53

In DBTS the glove is more fun than the mouse, i set it up so that i can make full lifelike swings with my arm. It's very similar to VSIM mouse control though, there is no direct WRIST control, and no 3D control. One good things about it is that it's "absolute" control, ie: you don't have to re-center like you do with the mouse.

The P5 works with all windows programs coz the glove has inbuilt hardware mouse emulation. To emulate other controllers (keyboard, joystick etc) i use the GlovePIE program, so it can try to play anything with it. A word of warning though: it can be hard work playing games designed for a mouse. It really shows you how much games are designed with mice in mind, not VR gloves.
and of course there are some programs that use the P5 Glove directly without any emulation needed. Like this P5 version of DBTS.

On the P5 wiki we try to keep a list of programs:
but it's been a while since i've updated it

the P5 community itself be here:
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 May 2007 06:18

by roid » 26 May 2007 13:31

Ok, it seems that the file i uploaded doesn't help any :(

The last time i played the DBTS P5 Version was on a computer that runs Win2K. I since have a new PC running WinXP, but i just tried DBTS LFL P5 version and it DOESN'T WORK! I tried it again on my Win2K system and it still does work on that.

Just a side-note for everyone: it won't work unless you have a P5 Glove. If you don't have the glove plugged in when you run the P5 version, it will give you an error.

HOWEVER!!! As i said, i now can't even get this working on WinXP with a P5 Glove. It gives an odd error, different to if you don't have a P5 Glove connected.

Can people please try this, you don't need a Glove to try this: Just run the DBTS_P5_Config.exe file and tell me what happens.
- On my Win2K system it gets into the config program and then gives an error (if i don't have the glove connected).
- On my WinXP system it doesn't even get into the program before giving me an error, the config program simply does not even come up.

What does it do on your system? Please tell me your operating system. I'm especially looking out for someone else with Win2K, but WinXP will be handy too.

You do NOT need a P5 Glove or even a DBTS install to try this.
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 May 2007 06:18

by shui » 04 Jun 2007 21:49

Usually I do use Win2k. Unfortunately, at the moment I'm running XP and trying to move to BSD for work. But I've downloaded the file and I'll try it out as soon as I get the chance.
Posts: 9
Joined: 22 Jan 2007 20:30

by Cpk » 30 Sep 2007 16:03

roid, thanks for sharing the file. I have tested what you say.


When I run DBTS_P5_Config.exe, an error pops up and the config window closes. I can see the config window behind the error window. The result is the same with any of compatibility. The log is below.

AppName: dbts_p5_config.exe AppVer: ModName: dbts_p5_config.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00002217
Posts: 29
Joined: 28 Jun 2007 17:10

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