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Die By The Sword Cusspack

All topics related to the game 'Die by the Sword' and it's add-on 'Limb from Limb' go into this board!

Die By The Sword Cusspack

by Blakepoet » 03 Aug 2007 01:30

Download Here:


README.TXT - 10/27/98


WARNING - This patch contains material that may offend.
This is NOT intended to be exposed to children.

The 'Cusspack' replaces audio files contained in the
sounds.atd file with others that'll, shall we say,
colorize Enric's vocabulary. Listen at your own risk.

Enough with the fucking warnings, let's move on to the
damn instructions on how to install this bad bitch!


Default game dir [C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die By The Sword]

1. Go into the \Die By The Sword\data directory and
make a copy of 'sounds.atd' in case something goes

2. Run the DBTS-CussPack.exe self-extracting file that will
put all the contents into the \data subdirectory.
This will create a folder called "SndTmp" that
contains all of the audio files that'll be packed
into the 'sounds.atd'.

3. Three more files will be placed into the "\data"
subdirectory. This file (readme.txt), Patchsnd.bat
and patchfiles.exe. It is a good idea not to mess
with the patchfiles.exe.

4. Run the batch file (Patchsnd.bat).
Wait a minute or two while it patches your sounds.
After the patch has completed the "Sndtmp" directory will
automatically be deleted.

5. Feel free to delete the three files mentioned above
(#3). They will be useless after the "Sndtmp"
directory is deleted anyways.

That's it. Enric should be cussing up a fucking storm
while on his quest for Maya.


1. Once the Cusspack has been installed, net play will
not be backwards compatible with other players that
do not have the Cusspack.

2. Foreign languages are not effected (no audio changes
occur) by the Cusspack patch but the Cusspack will
still need to be installed in order to play with
other players that may have the Cusspack installed
over the internet. Cusspack only changes English
audio lines.

3. If the above instructions were followed in install-
ing the Cusspack then there should be a back up copy
of the original sounds.atd located in the \data
directory. You can simply revert or swap back to
that original file to help ensure compatibility with
other players during multiplay.

Software Use Limitations and Limited License

This copy of DIE BY THE SWORD: Cusspack (the "Software")
is intended solely for your personal noncommercial home
entertainment use. You may not decompile, reverse
engineer, or disassemble the Software, except as
permitted by law. Interplay Productions and Treyarch
Invention retain all right, title and interest in the
Software including all intellectual property rights
embodied therein and derivatives thereof. The Software,
including, without limitation, all code, data structures,
characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play,
derivative works and all other elements of the Software
may not be copied, resold, rented, leased, distributed
(electronically or otherwise), used on pay-per-play,
coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial
purpose. Any permissions granted herein are provided on
a temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Interplay
Productions at any time. All rights not expressly
granted are reserved.

Acceptance of License Terms.

By purchasing and then retaining this Software, you assent to the terms
and restrictions of this limited license. If you acquired the Software
and do not accept the terms of this limited license, you must return the
Software together with all packaging, manuals and other material contained
therein to the store where you acquired the Software for a full refund and
if you downloaded the Software, you must delete it.

Copyright Information

DIE BY THE SWORD: (c) 1998 by Treyarch Invention.
Cusspack: (c) 1998 by Treyarch Invention.
All rights reserved. Portions (c) 1998 Interplay Productions.
All rights reserved. Die By The Sword, Cusspack, Interplay,
the Interplay Logo, the Tantrum logo and "By Gamers. For Gamers."
are trademarks of Interplay Productions. The Treyarch logo
is a trademark of Treyarch Invention.
Windows(r) 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved. Exclusively licensed
and distributed by Interplay Productions. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Posts: 3
Joined: 13 May 2006 19:14

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